Our mission is to make growing followers of Jesus through our UPWARD, INWARD, and OUTWARD relationships.
The first and most vital part of being and making a growing follower of Jesus is to be a growing worshiper of God. We believe that we were created to enjoy relationship with our Creator and to worship and serve him. We gather together to exalt Jesus and edify the believer.
We cultivate our church's UPWARD relationship with God by worshiping him by preaching and teaching the gospel, singing, prayer, and celebration of the church ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each of these are expressed in the context of the gathered church and allow us to lift our eyes and hearts up to God and exalt Him together.
We cultivate our church's UPWARD relationship with God by worshiping him by preaching and teaching the gospel, singing, prayer, and celebration of the church ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each of these are expressed in the context of the gathered church and allow us to lift our eyes and hearts up to God and exalt Him together.
From eternity past, the Father, Son, and Spirit have existed in perfect unity with one another. Since God exists in community with himself, we are called as his church to reflect a similar community. Our unity reminds us inside the church and displays to those outside of the church something about the character of God; that he exists in community; that he is three, yet one, with no disunion.
We cultivate our church's relationships with one another through one-on-one discipleship, Sunday school, small groups, children/youth/men/women’s ministries, and church-wide fellowship events. These INWARD relationships allow us to grow as followers of Jesus together.
We cultivate our church's relationships with one another through one-on-one discipleship, Sunday school, small groups, children/youth/men/women’s ministries, and church-wide fellowship events. These INWARD relationships allow us to grow as followers of Jesus together.
God’s mission is to save us and send us. He has chosen to redeem his church and to use his church to spread the gospel of Jesus so that redemption might come about wherever the gospel is heard. God is bringing about the fulfillment of his kingdom and he wants to use us to do it!
We cultivate our church's OUTWARD relationships through local and international missions, outreach events, service projects, and personal evangelism.
We cultivate our church's OUTWARD relationships through local and international missions, outreach events, service projects, and personal evangelism.
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