Cultivating UPWARD, INWARD, and OUTWARD relationships through joyful and faithful giving.
Why We Give
"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)
God is a generous giver. The Bible teaches us that God gives us life by giving up his son to die in our place. When we give generously, we are showing something about the generous nature of God. Our joyful and faithful giving trains us to root our trust in Jesus alone. Through giving, we begin to see money the way God sees it; as His good gift given to us to steward in ways that help fulfill his mission to be and make growing followers of Jesus.
Ways To Give
Give Online
Online giving is a simple and secure way to give. There's no app to download and no long forms. Whenever you're ready to give, you simply use your email to log in and manage your donor account. You can choose to give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation.
Online donations come with a processing fee. One way you can help keep those fees low is to give from your bank account rather than a credit card or debit card.
Online giving is a simple and secure way to give. There's no app to download and no long forms. Whenever you're ready to give, you simply use your email to log in and manage your donor account. You can choose to give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation.
Online donations come with a processing fee. One way you can help keep those fees low is to give from your bank account rather than a credit card or debit card.
Give In Person
We believe that giving is part of our worship of Jesus, so we maintain a time of giving in our weekly worship service on Sunday mornings. Checks and cash can be given during any worship service, Sunday school group meeting or during the week at our church office. Please make checks payable to Glorieta Baptist Church. They can also be mailed to:
We believe that giving is part of our worship of Jesus, so we maintain a time of giving in our weekly worship service on Sunday mornings. Checks and cash can be given during any worship service, Sunday school group meeting or during the week at our church office. Please make checks payable to Glorieta Baptist Church. They can also be mailed to:
Glorieta Baptist Church
4912 NC Hwy 73 E
Concord, NC 28025
4912 NC Hwy 73 E
Concord, NC 28025
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